Tales from a Bucket List Champ

Building Foundations

Episode Summary

Kiki adjusts to motherhood and home remodeling in Minnesota... and the Bucket List takes shape in Africa. Editor's note: SW Tanzania borders on ZAMBIA (not Uganda) and Malawi. Kiki apologizes to her geography teacher.

Episode Notes

From Amy:

There's something funny about Season 3, It's Complicated. People who listened to the first episode have noted how upbeat it is. And that's true. 

As I wrote in the previous episode notes, Kiki asked me to take the lead on releasing these episodes while she processes the emotions they evoke. That's the thing about self-revelation: the more interesting a story is for audiences, the more vulnerable it often is for the storyteller. 

There are two really hard episodes coming up that color the entire season for Kiki. Honestly, the other four are quite joyful. Good things happen—amazing things, really. This one and the next are happy episodes. But when your life falls apart, which I'm foreshadowing loudly, it colors all the stories around it. We've made no secret that Kiki's marriage will fall apart. We never even gave Kiki's future ex-husband a name when he came on the scene. So as you listen to these next two episodes, you will see a family living into the American Dream. But please remember: It's complicated.